BRANKO MILANOVIC-Capitalism Rules the World-How do we shrink inequality?

Written on March 21st, 2020

In Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World, BRANKO MILANOVIC says we’re all capitalists now. Liberal capitalism delivers rampant inequality and capitalist excess as it fights for hearts and minds with political capitalism, as practiced by China. Milanovic asks – What are the prospects for a fairer world now that capitalism is the only game in town? And what can we do to make that more likely?

NEW: ADAM HOCHSCHILD-Lessons from a Dark Time – for our own dark times

Written on September 18th, 2019
As soon as I picked up and started reading LESSONS FROM A DARK TIME, I wanted to have this conversation with ADAM HOCHSCHILD. As a writer, he doesn’t waste your time. He brings an artist’s touch and a moralist’s conscience to the issues and events he grapples with. He’s one of the founders of Mother Jones Magazine, and threaded through his journalism and his books – King Leopold’s Ghost, Spain in Our Hearts among them – is his concern for social justice and the people who fight for it. How did we get thorough dark times in our past? How are we going to get through these?

NEW – DAVID CORN, Mother Jones The Most Important Election of Our Lives The Most Important Scandal in Our History

Written on October 27th, 2018

DAVID CORN wrote the Mother Jones cover story – The Most Important Election of Our Lives, declared that “The Russia scandal is the most important scandal in the history of the United States”, and co-authored with Michael Isikoff, Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump. Who better to talk to at this moment…less than two weeks till the midterms.

NEW – MILTON BENNETT – The Cult of Trump?

Written on September 14th, 2018

I read an interview by Dahr Jamail with today’s guest, cultural communication expert Milton Bennett, at Titled Is There a Cult of Trump? It spells out the methods utilized – consciously or unconsciously – by Trump to turn his followers into a cult – impervious to outside or contrary influence and united in defense of their aims and their leader. It’s a story of tactics and behavior that transform the Trump phenomenon into something more dangerous than a simple political divide.

NEW Free Forum DAVID CAY JOHNSTON – The Trump Administration Is Even Worse Than You Think

Written on February 3rd, 2018

DAVID CAY JOHNSTON, Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter and author of THE MAKING OF DONALD TRUMP, has been covering Trump since the late ‘80s. While most of the media focuses on tweets and White House intrigue, he co-founded to keep track of what they’re not telling you. Johnston joins me to talk about the revelations in his #2 NYTimes best-seller, IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU THINK: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America.