Aired 01/01/12
Happy New Year.
I was lucky enough to get to know the great journalist Molly Ivins in the final years before her death in 2007. We were both annual panelists at the Conference on World Affairs that takes place for a week each April in Boulder Colorado. I have been there every year since 2001. Molly attended basically every other year for quite a while longer.
From writing Elvis Presley’s New York Times obituary to becoming the most widely-read self-proclaimed “pain in the ass to whatever powers come to be,” Ivins, often described as a modern-day Mark Twain, made rabid fans and enemies alike with her sharp-tongued humor and unabashed political criticism.
I speak with Oscar-and-Tony-nominated actress Kathleen Turner who portrays Ivins in Red Hot Patriot at the Geffen Playhouse in Westwood January 3rd thru February 12th — and with Lou Dubose who co-authored three books with Molly.