Aired 11/11/08
Last week during my two hour election day special, I said the following:
When the nation is in the mood for change, it responds to charismatic optimists. FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton. The first time I saw Barack Obama on television at the…
Aired 11/11/08 Last week during my two hour election day special, I said the following: When the nation is in the mood for change, it responds to charismatic optimists. FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton. The first time I saw Barack Obama on television at the 2004 convention, I felt not just that I had seen an excellent politician, but that I might have experienced an enlightened being. That it turns out he's an excellent politician as well as a superb manager gives me great hope. Our multiple severe crises may have finally broken through our culture of distraction enough that we are ready to ask questions, question answers and consider fundamental change. Barack Obama may be the ideal President for this moment. I won't interview a guest in depth on this show, though I've invited a number of notables to join me for a few minutes. I'll share my thoughts and feelings and maybe some news and opinion. And I invite you to join me to do the same. When I got a count-down keychain for Christmas last year, there were 390 days left till Bush's Last Day. Now that key chain says 70 and the mood in the country says he's already gone. We've got 60 minutes to celebrate. I'd like callers to answer three questions: What's your reaction to the election? What next steps would you like to see from Obama? What next steps do you think people ought to take? Join me in moving from "why we can't" to "how we will."