JODIE EVANS Co-founder, CODE PINK & ANNIE LEONARD creator of a powerful online video, THE STORY OF STUFF

JODIE EVANS, Co-founder, CODE PINK: Women for Peace
They’re launching
on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

When Ralph Waldo Emerson visited Thoreau in jail, he asked the author of Walden, “Henry, what are doing in there?…

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JODIE EVANS, Co-founder, CODE PINK: Women for Peace They're launching on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. When Ralph Waldo Emerson visited Thoreau in jail, he asked the author of Walden, "Henry, what are doing in there?" Thoreau responded, "Ralph, what are you doing out there?" Our statement is not against taxation or government. Many of us will continue to pay a portion of our taxes that support the vital functions of government. But we will hold in escrow or redirect the portion of our war taxes to humanitarian aid projects and projects such as those providing relief to survivors of Hurricane Katrina. "The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard" is an engaging new short film that explains the "materials economy" in 20 fun-filled minutes. Yes, fun-filled. Produced by Free Range Studios, which developed "The Meatrix" -- an animated short about factory farming that ranks among the cleverest uses of Internet technologies to deliver a politically progressive message -- The Story of Stuff features the wonderful Annie Leonard, amusing graphics, lots of humor, and a complicated analysis presented in an easy-to-understand conversational tone. You can watch the whole thing at You'll have to watch the film to enjoy the humor -- there's no easy way to convey the playful cartooning with serious purpose. But I guarantee chuckles even for the most austere.

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