Q&A: JACK CANFIELD, coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Written on August 24th, 2010



JACK CANFIELD is one of America's leading experts in the development of human potential. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are the #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling coauthors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, with over 125 different titles in print, and worldwide sales of over 100 million copies. Jack is a Harvard graduate with a Master's Degree in psychological education and one of the earliest champions of peak-performance and self-esteem. The Success Principles (coauthored with Janet Switzer), offers the principles that he's studied, taught, and lived for the past 30 years in a practical and inspiring guide.



Q&A: TAD DALEY, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War & Author

Written on July 31st, 2010


Aired 07/25/10

TAD DALEY, author, APOLCALYPSE NEVER: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon Free World

TAD DALEY, J.D., Ph.D., is the Writing Fellow with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the 1985 Nobel Peace Laureate organization. He spent several years as a member of the International Policy Department at RAND, where many of the nuclear theories of the Cold War era originally were forged. He has served as a speechwriter and policy advisor to Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Diane Watson, and the late Senator Alan Cranston -- and once ran for U.S. Congress himself to represent mid-city Los Angeles. The LA WEEKLY said about his campaign: "Tad Daley boasts the most impressive credentials and much the most thoughtful platform of all the 16 candidates in the race .... (His ideas are) as sensible as they are unconventional."

Daley has written for the Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY, the Christian Science Monitor, Tikkun, and frequently in the at HuffingtonPost.com, TruthDig.com, AlterNet.org, TruthOut.org, and CommonDreams.org. His first book, APOLCALYPSE NEVER: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon Free World, has recently been published.