Q&A: GRETCHEN MORGENSON – 2002 Pulitzer Prize winner

Written on July 3rd, 2011



Aired 06/26/11

GRETCHEN MORGENSON was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for her "trenchant and incisive" coverage of Wall Street. She has been on that beat ever since and now has a book on the recent meltdown. Though we've had in depth conversations with Michael Lewis, Joseph Stiglitz, Simon Johnson, William Greider and others about the crisis, it's been a while since we covered it, and so this week we will have a chance to get an update on where things stand and look at some of the implications. 
RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT lays out how the financial meltdown resulted from the toxic interplay of Washington, Wall Street, and corrupt mortgage lenders. It reveals how the watchdogs who were supposed to protect us from financial harm were actually complicit in creating the financial crisis, and focuses on the abuse of Fannie May and Freddie Mac.


Q&A: SIMON JOHNSON-Author/Economist

Written on April 22nd, 2010


Aired 04/18/10

SIMON JOHNSON, former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, is currently Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT's Sloan School of Management and a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. He is the co-author of STARTING OVER IN EASTERN EUROPE and co-founder of the blog site THE BASELINE SCENARIO with James Kwak, with whom he also co-authored the new book, 13 BANKERS: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown.

