LAWRENCE LESSIG – They’re Not Representing Us-and what we need to do about it
Written on November 21st, 2019In his latest book, THEY DON’T REPRESENT US: Reclaiming Our Democracy, Harvard Law School professor LAWRENCE LESSIG points out big problems the U.S. is NOT solving, and adds, “The crisis in America is not its president. Its president is the consequence of a crisis much more fundamental…The core problem with our democracy today is that it is essentially unrepresentative. We should secure, finally, a representative democracy…let’s just try it for once… and see if things get better.” We talk about how democracy is broken and how we can fix it.
NEW – BILL McKIBBEN, Founder, New Book, FALTER: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself NEW – BILL McKIBBEN, founder, new book, FALTER: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?
Written on April 17th, 2019Thirty years ago, BILL McKIBBEN’s THE END of NATURE was the first popular book about climate change. Since then the effects have exceeded our expectations, while our response has lagged what’s needed. Bill has done his part – with books, articles, and as co-founder of the climate movement, which has held 20,000 rallies in 182 countries and spearheaded the fight against the XL pipeline and the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies. We talk about the latest findings, warnings, and global activism in his new book FALTER: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?
NEW – MICHAEL BRUNE – Sierra Club ED, Good news, Bad news, Get Involved
Written on August 30th, 2018California Natural Resources Agency predicts severe heat waves, wildfires, ocean rise will cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars. Trump administration decimates Obama emissions rules for cars and power plants. Rise Up for Climate global day of action Sat 9/8. MICHAEL BRUNE, Executive Director of Sierra Club, shares good news, bad news, and ways to get involved.
NEW – ADAM WINKLER – Supreme Court – Why do corporations have civil rights?
Written on July 26th, 2018Under John Roberts, Supreme Court decisions are consistently pro-business, recently based on corporate rights of free speech and freedom of religion. How did we get here? Will it only get worse with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh? Listen to my conversation with ADAM WINKLER, constitutional law professor at UCLA and author of Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America and his latest, We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights.
NEW – Nancy MacLean – Democracy In Chains-The Right’s Plan to Weaken the Voice of the People
Written on May 19th, 2018