Written on July 16th, 2020

Election Day is less than four months away. Between closing poll sites, purging voter rolls, manipulating voting machines, and putting obstacles in the way of voting by mail, the Trump administation and many state governments want to keep you from voting. Investigative reporter GREG PALAST has been working this beat since 2000. His latest book is a warning: HOW TRUMP STOLE 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters. What are they up to and how can we foil them?

MOVEMENT VOTER PROJECT-Funding the grassroots wins elections + makes change – ELIZABETH FERNANDEZ

Written on June 18th, 2020

ELIZABETH FERNANDEZ has worked on voter education and GOTV campaigns, helping to register thousands of new voters. She’s now Communications Director of MOVEMENT VOTER PROJECT, which offers a clear break from failed electoral strategies of big donors, big consultants, and big TV ad buys. MVP helps donors move their money to the best local community-based organizations in key states, who are alive on the ground 365 days a year, election or not. In 2018, they moved more than $13M to 350+ groups in 42 states – in almost every competitive US House, Senate, Governor’s race and ballot measure. You can learn more at

NEW – BILLY WIMSATT – Money in the grassroots wins elections and makes change – Movement Voter Project

Written on February 3rd, 2018

BILLY WIMSATT, is the founder and executive director of Movement Voter Project, which offers a clear break from the tired and true strategy of electoral politics – big donors, big consultants, and big TV ad buys. MVP helps progressive donors move some of their money to support the best local community-based organizations in key states – organizations alive on the ground 365 days a year, whether there’s an election or not. In 2018, they moved more than $13M to 350+ groups in 42 states – in almost every competitive US House, Senate, Governors race and ballot measure.

You can learn more at

Free Forum – Two warnings from over a decade ago 1) ARUNDHATI ROY, author, essayist, activist. (September 2004) 2) DAVIDSON LOEHR, AMERICA, FASCISM, and GOD (December 2005)

Written on March 12th, 2017

First, the incomparable ARUNDHATI ROY, award-winning novelist, activist and essayist who speaks truth to power. “It was wonderful that on February 15th [2003], in a spectacular display of public morality, 10 million people in five continents marched against the war on Iraq. It was wonderful, but it was not enough.”
Then my interview with DAVIDSON LOEHR, minister, Texan, and author of AMERICA, FASCISM AND GOD. “When fascism comes to America, it will gain power by poisoning the channels of communication…and creating an Orwellian kind of 1984.”

Free Forum – Two classic political interviews from 2004 THOMAS FRANK, WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America GEORGE LAKOFF, DON’T THINK OF AN ELEPHANT: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate

Written on March 4th, 2017

Originally Aired in 2004 They noticed trends, asked questions, offered warnings and gave advice.
“Why does the pro-life factory worker who listens to Rush Limbaugh repeatedly vote for the party that is less likely to protect his safety, less likely to protect his job, and less likely to benefit him economically?”
– Thomas Frank
“In politics framing is about making sure the debate takes place in language that fits your worldview. Framing trumps facts and self-interest.”
– George Lakoff Twelve years later their worst fears came true.