Q&A: Connie Rice – author, Power Concedes Nothing
Written on March 2nd, 2014![]() |
Originally Aired: 04/01/12
Too often problems are not solved, solutions are not found or implemented, and money, lives and moments of opportunity are wasted.
CONNIE RICE has taken on school and bus systems, Death Row, the states of Mississippi and California, and the LAPD – and won. Not just in court but also on the streets and in prisons, where she has spearheaded campaigns to reduce gang violence. She has long been dedicated, in her words, to finishing what Martin Luther King Jr started, and she pursues that aim with a focused passion, intelligence, and commitment.
Too often we oppose each other rather than looking for every opportunity to align to solve a problem. Rice sues a model of law enforcement that dominated Los Angeles for decades. In response, the model begins to shift. She then works with — and finally — within LA Law Enforcement. The model shifts some more. Such movement calls for the right sequence of opposition and cooperation, the strategic use of the tools available, and the ability of both sides to shift from litigation to collaboration.
Written on January 13th, 2010![]() |
Aired 01/03/10
TEMPLE GRANDIN, who believes her autism allowed her to see the world more as an animal might, and led her to design enormous improvements in how we treat livestock. Her latest book is ANIMALS MAKE US HUMAN.
TEMPLE GRANDIN, Ph.D., now a designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, Dr. Grandin didn't speak until she was three and a half years old. Labeled "autistic," her parents were told she should be institutionalized. Roughly 50% of the beef that shows up on your plate came through improvements that she has made to the process of livestock management. Grandin has become a prominent author, speaker and advocate on the issues of Autism and Asperger's Syndrome because she has made a career of overcoming obstacles that have been placed in her path. She tells her story in the book EMERGENCE: LABELED AUTISTIC, and is also the author of ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION, THINKING IN PICTURES AND OTHER REPORTS FROM MY LIFE WITH AUTISM, THE WAY I SEE IT, and her latest, ANIMALS MAKE US HUMAN.