Submit Your Questions or Stories

If you have a question about story, narrative, or message, ask here.


Submit a Story for Feedback

Want feedback on your stories? If you have a brief story you’re using to engage readers with your company, product, organization, or campaign, submit it here. (Don’t submit it if you don’t want others to see it.) Let me know what sort of feedback you’re looking for. (I apologize in advance if I can’t get to it.)


Submit Your Questions about a World That Just Might Work

If you have a question about a world that just might work, ask here. Feel free to ask about environment, health, and science; politics, economics and finance; media, culture, and society; and about new ways of thinking and doing based on a natural systems perspective. I obviously won’t be able to answer all of them, but I’ll do my best and try to be honest about my limitations.


Join the Conversation about Changing the Story to Change the World



“Change the Story to Change the World.”
We hear it all the time. How are we doing with that?
When have we been successful?
How do we do it?
What stories do we need to change?
Add your thoughts, examples, questions.

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